And it is part of the concealed fixing system and you will require this to install your cladding properly. Moreover, it's Ideal for levelling out your installation.
Our Traditional Cladding is the perfect solution for those seeking a traditional timber look, and all the low maintenance benefits composite has to offer.
Further, the concealed fixing system enables the cladding to be fitted vertically or horizontally, giving extra design options, so that you can tailor your space.
The system comes with a range of trims and fixings, to allow for a neat and secure finish.
In this link you can find all of the traditional cladding accessories.
FSC® Certified Composite Cladding: All of our Piranha composite products are responsibly sourced. Also, it's Low Maintenance: No staining or painting required.
Having Fully capped surfaces for additional protection, it also comes with a 25-year warranty. In addition our cladding is low maintenance, together with multiple applications. It is firstly stain resistant, and secondly easy to install. Whilst being a concealed fixing system, thereby enabling the cladding to be fitted vertically or horizontally, giving extra design options.