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Tanking Membrane 2 rolls to collect


Priora Membrane

Price is per roll of 20m long x 4m wide
Please note, with these rolls although you get 80 meters you need to seal the joins with tape so please account for overlapping

This Price also includes for delivery to site



m380 Tanking Membrane

Demonstrating superior tear and puncture resistance as well as excellent chemical resistance, Marshalls MM380 Tanking Membrane has been designed specifically to tank "Type C" non-filtration permeable pavements. The unique co-polymer blend provides confidence that attenuated water will be retained within the structure and not leak into the sub grade. Despite its inherent strength, at 0.38 microns MM380 is thinner than alternative membranes, making it lighter to carry and easier to roll out. Manufactured in “Marshalls Red” for easy identification on site and double folded to minimise pack size, its 80m2 roll size minimises time spent rolling out and jointing the membrane. All necessary ancillary products are available including Marshalls Tanking Tape – for the waterproof jointing of Marshalls M380 Membranes and 110mm and 160mm flexible top hat units – to create neat, secure pipe outfalls.


DESCRIPTION Base Raw Material Polymer Blend


Dimensions (mm)

Length 20m -0%/ +10% EN 1848-2

Width 4m +/- 2.5% EN 1848-2

Thickness 0.38 mm +/- 10% EN 1849-2

Length (mm) 20000 Width (mm) 4000

Thickness (mm) 380

Microns Mass 395 g/m2 +/- 12% EN 1849-2

Material Safety Data Sheets Material Safety Data Sheets (COSHH) are available on request

Tensile Strength 24.2 20.7 N/50mm MDV EN 12311-1

Resistance To Tearing 185 185 N MDV EN 12310-1

Resistance To Impact 30 mm/dia >MLV EN 12691


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